Thursday, November 19, 2009

Found a pacer for the 100 miler & only 300 miles

Great News!  I found a solid pacer for the hundo - YES!  Wayne Downey (Lil' Wayne) has agreed to go down and help me out.  I'm very pumped about Wayne pacing me for several reasons.
1.  We ran sweep at Laurel Valley together for the entire race so he has spent 12 hours on the trail with me.
2.  Wayne has more experience that I do & even brings some mad road running experience to the table.
3.  The dude cracks me up!  Do you know that one friend who can always make you laugh?  That is him!
4.  He is a hardcore runner & will not let me quit.  Being a testicular cancer survivor means he knows how to survive.

I trust Wayne and am very thankful to have him pacing me - I truly appreciate it & can't imagine how it will feel to have him run me in from 75 miles.

Since Wayne is coming down to Florida, Beth (wife) has decided that she will stay put at home with the kids for that weekend.  She is a teacher and both kids are in school so she was happy to have Wayne on board too.

I have some fun races scheduled before the Iron Horse, but I am counting down to it in the back of my mind.  I figured that I have about 300 miles left in long runs & races before the big day.  All of my races have been treated as long training runs for the past three months  ;]

Gotta get my mind right for the Pine Mountain 40 now, but you better believe that the hundo is brewing strong in the back of my mind...